The hidden power of smiling View in browser
The hidden power of smiling
My personal smile experiment

  A while back I decided to acknowledge people in public by offing up a friendly smile whenever possible. Initially, I was surprised to find this gesture often ignored or in some cases even provoke a negative response along the lines of "don't bother me with whatever it is you're about to ask" type of thing. I came to realize I was forcing it. Though my intentions were fine, the smile was interpreted as disingenuous. I had to change the origin of my smile from something predetermined and deliberate to something natural and organic. Now I don't smile as often, but when I do, it more often stems from a recognition of common experience in the moment (it's a sunny day) or some kind of acknowledgment of the smile recipient's state of awesomeness (nice work on that). And the coolest thing, I'm now winning back genuine smiles in return! :)  
TED Talk Video - The hidden power of smiling
Mar. 2011 - Ron Gutman -
In depth article on how authentic smiles are made
Jan. 2019 - Danni Peck -
Babies believed to initiate smiles with intent
Sep. 2015 - U. of California - Sandiego -
NPR - The Science of Smiles, Real and Fake
Jul. 2019 - Maanvi Singh -
Why am I getting this email?
Well, you most likely met me, Christopher Bogush somewhere in Los Angeles possibly via Lyft or Uber (I drive on occasion), or know me through friends or family or from past business dealings in Boulder Colorado or Athens Ohio. So, this is my way of letting folks know what I'm up to and what I have to offer. In this case, I just thought "The hidden power of smiling" is kind of a cool thing to give a little thought to. You may get communications like this or about other stuff found on my personal site But hey, I really don't want to bug you... so let me know how much is too much!
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